The Concorde Chase at Barossa, Camberley Level B Event Final Details LAST ENTRIES SUNDAY 24th JANUARY NO ENTRY ON THE DAY All people entering the site will need to be on the pre-entry list at the Gate. If not competing e.g. parent or driver there is a Non Competing category on Fabian4 to add your name and vehicle details.(no charge) |
Berkshire Orienteers welcome you to the event!
The venue is Barossa near Sandhurst, runnable forest with areas of heathland, well contoured in places.
Car parking is inside the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Entry is via Staff College Gate, the main entrance on the A30 near Camberley at SU872607 (post code GU15 3SG).
Approaching from the west from Blackwater the turn in is an easy left into the entrance, from the east there is a short filter lane for you to turn right into the entrance.
Please do not arrive before 9.15am. Security checks will be at this gate so please have your photo ID ready for speedy check in. All adults must have ID, but not necessary for children. Car registrations and all occupants of the cars need to be on the pre-entry list. There is space on Fabian 4 to list non-competitors such as parents or drivers.
Note: once in RMAS the speed limit is 20mph, please drive carefully.
There is a car parking charge of £1.50
PRE-ENTRY ESSENTIAL - No Entry on the Day due to the security at parking.
Enter by Midnight Sunday 24th January via Fabian4
Any changes or problems after the 24th please contact the organiser.
Assembly Area
Bib collection and Emit hire (9.30am - 12.00pm), Enquiries and Download are here.
Note that a charge of £45 will be made for lost hired Emit cards.
Toilets are available here.
First Aid will be based at assembly.
Ultrasport are attending.
Refreshments will be available (Burgers inc vegetarian option; Cakes; Coffee).
All competitors will need Bib numbers which will be available at Assembly.
The Start is 800 m from the car park past an assault course which is Out of Bounds. You will exit a security gate before the start and re-enter the gate after the finish, hence the need for Bib numbers to check you back in.
There will be a clothing dump near the gate, approx 100m from Start and Finish.
The Start is open 10.00am - 12.30pm. Call up will be at minus 4 minutes. Loose control descriptions and maps will be in start lanes. The map is 1:10,000 with 5m contours.
Courses close at 14.30pm. Please download as soon as you return to assembly. All competitors must download after their run even if they do not complete the course.
Scale 1:10,000, 5m contours, updated 2015 by Roger Maher. Courses and control descriptions will be over printed on waterproof paper
Course |
Length |
Climb |
Age Categories |
White |
1.4km |
15m |
M10B; W10B |
Yellow |
2.5km |
40m |
M10; W10; M12B; W12B |
Orange |
2.8km |
70m |
M12; W12; M14B; W14B |
Light Green |
3.4km |
100m |
M14; W14; M16B; W16B |
Very Short Green |
3.2km |
85m |
W75 W80 W85 W90 M70S M75S M80S M85S W55S W60S W65S W70S |
Short Green |
3.9km |
105m |
M75 M80 M85 M90 W65 W70 M65S W18S W20S W45S W50S |
Green |
4.5km |
110m |
M70 W16 W55 W60 M55S M60S W35S W40S |
Short Blue |
5.5km |
130m |
M65 W18 W20 W45 W50 M20S M50S M45S W21S |
Blue |
6.4km |
170m |
M16 M55 M60 W35 W40 M35S M40S |
Short Brown |
8.2km |
213m |
M18 M20 M45 M50 W21 M21S |
Brown |
9.7km |
245m |
M35 M40 |
Black |
11.8km |
320m |
M21 (2 part course on double sided map) |
There is no string course.
Loose description sheets will be available in the start lanes except for the White and Yellow courses.
White and Yellow courses must collect their maps from REGISTRATION prior to starting.
BOF Senior £13; Non BOF Senior £15; Junior £4
Junior fees apply to adults entering Orange, Yellow and White courses.
Emit hire £1.50
Dangerous Objects: - Do not pick up anything that you have not put down, it is a working military area.
Whistles: We recommend you take a whistle with you.
Cagoules: In the event of inclement weather the organiser may insist on the carrying of a cagoule. Please be prepared to bring one to the event if the weather is poor. If this is required there will be a notice on the way to the start at the exit of the car park.
Getting Lost : If completely lost, WEST is the advised course of safety until you reach a track and fence. Follow the fence south to reach perimeter of RMAS, then follow fence East to the Gate.
Lone runners: If you have travelled alone to the event, please leave your car keys or some other memorable item at registration so that we can confirm that you are back safely.
First Aid is provided by Hart First Response. They will be located in the car park.
HART FIRST RESPONSE is a Registered Charity 1092333.
Nearest A&E : Frimley Park Hospital Portsmouth Road Camberley GU16 7UJ 01276 604604
Orienteering is an adventure sport and your safety whilst orienteering is your own responsibility.
Ash Die Back - Bio Security
Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. After your run please follow the guidance that helps protect our precious environment:
· Check
· Clean
· Dry
Before leaving the event check your clothing and equipment and remove any mud, soil or leaf litter.
Once home thoroughly clean your footwear and clothing and then leave it to dry for as long as possible.
Many invasive non-native species are able to survive in damp corners for very long periods of time, but are less able to survive if the equipment is thoroughly dried.
Live results will be avialable during the event at:
These will be available after the event on the BKO website
Cancellation is a very last resort, however if very bad weather is forecast or some unforeseen event makes it necessary to cancel, a notice will be placed on the BKO website. If the event is cancelled, we reserve the right to keep a proportion of the entry fee to cover unavoidable costs.
Personal data
The personal data you give will be used by the event organisers and their agents only for the purpose of processing and publishing the event entries and results, for conducting safety checks and to validate British Orienteering insurance cover.
Organiser - Jane Courtier ( 01628 628372 )
Planners - Mike Pemberton and Pete Wilson
Controller Mark Thompson ( TVOC )