The following list covers all kit used by planners and all SI kit.
The USB download boxes are not normally used by planners but included for information.
The Start, clear, check, SIAC check and finish are used by the organiser/start team but should be synchronised first.
Email if you need instructions on accessing club storage.
Held in Club Storage
- 70 Stakes (Stakes do not require a mallet. BKO stakes have an orange and blue tape band at the bottom)
- Kites
- Bags
- Black 9mm cable ties for organising controls when hanging
- Bungy/elastic/velcro ties for holding/organising stakes
- Gripples 6 x 1m , 51 x 2m
(The gripple mechanism can be qite delicate especailly the spring. If this is damaged the cable may slip out. Take care when tightening and releasing gripples to not pull the cable at an angle put push/pull straight in/out. ) - Gripple Keys
- Red and white tape for taped routes in forest
- Yellow and black tape for taping hazards in forest (Both tapes are shared with organiser so coordinate with them if using tape.)- need to check that we do have this?
Held by Si coordinator ( )
- 60 Sportident Controls (BSF9 stations) in beacon (SIAC/Contactless) mode numbered 31- 90
- 2 Start controls (BSF9 stations) (Not in beacon mode)
- 2 Finish controls (BSF9 stations) (Not in Beacon Mode)
- 1 clear control (BSF9 station) (For clearing all SI cards/dibbers - Not in beacon mode)
- 2 check controls (BSF9 stations) (For turning on SIAC - not in beacon mode)
- 1 SIAC check controls (BSF9 stations) (Beacon mode)
- 1 Si BSM8-USB download station (Mini reader) (For synchronising SI master/ programming controls/ programming SIAC cards)
- SI master control station (For synchronising controls)
- Ferrite coupling stick
- Purple CLEAR/BACKUP dibber (Clears memory of Control station. Control stations have a large memory so not essential at every event)
- Purple SERVICE OFF Dibber (Turns control station off)
- Sportident bluetooth splits printer and 'till rolls'
- Charging cable
- USB OTG <-> mini USB and USBC cables to connect download station to phone
- USB connector for printer to laptop
Held by results team
- 1 BSM8-USB Download station/ mini reader (For results) may hold both download boxes during an event.
- 1 SIAC off station
- 40 SIAC hire cards
- May also hold SERVICE OFF/ CLEAR-BACKUP dibbers, SI master/ ferrite coupling stick during event if needed?
(Also hold laptops, printers, paper/'till rolls', tables etc to run results)