This page details some facts and information about Berkshire Orienteers and how to find out more information about us.
Use the Club Information dropdown above to see other club information documents.
Berkshire Orienteers is part of the South Central Orienteering Association (SCOA), the regional body. Recent SCOA Bulletins can be found here.
BKO is also a member club of the British Orienteering, the National Governing Body.
BKO has also received funds in the past from the Orienteering Foundation a chairtable organisation aimed at promoting orinenteering in the UK.
About 150
The county of Royal Berkshire and parts of South Buckinghamshire including the towns of Reading, Maidenhead, Bracknell, Slough, Windsor and Newbury and their immediate locations together with some members from the northern parts of Hampshire and Surrey.
Joining the club
See Joining the Club for more details.
Clothing - the club kit
The club has adopted a modern design for club kit. It is available as a short-sleeve O-top, a summer jacket and a winter jacket. See our Clothing page for full details.
Berkshire Orienteers has drafted a number of policies rearding memebers and other people who come into contact with the club. These are lists on our Policies Page.
Permanent Courses
Berkshire Orienteers has a full set of permanent orienteering courses locally. See our Permanent Course page for full details.
One major regional event annually (Concorde Chase), plus several District events, Saturday informal events, Wednesday evening summer training and social events. See events for details of forthcoming open events.
Coniferous forests with good path networks, or southern heathland with mixed open and forested areas. Typical maps would be Star Posts (Southern Champs 14, JK 2003) and Hawley Common (JK Relays 99, British Night Championships 2006).
Berkshire Orienteers is organised by a Committee, elected by the Club at an annual AGM. See Committee for more details.For the constitution of BKO (in PDF format) see our Constitution page.
The club makes awards to our club members for outstanding achievement or incredible support. For details, click Awards.
To contact the club and to find out more information, see Contacts.
Data Privacy Policy
In common with many other clubs, Berkshire Orienteers has a data privacy policy for any data we may collect. See Data Privacy Policy for more details.
Photography at BKO Events
British Orienteering (BOF) is in the process of updating its own “Guidelines for the Use of Images of Children/Young People under the age of 18”. Based on a draft version of the national guidance, Berkshire Orienteers has adopted its own version for an initial trial period of about 6 months “Berkshire Orienteers - Guidelines for the Use of Images of Children/Young People under the age of 18”. Please visit this page and fill in the relevant forms if neccessary, if you intend to take photographs at BKO Events.