Saturday Event (Bucklebury Common ) 10-Apr-21


Our first event post Covid-19 assuming restrictions are lifted as per government plans. This will be a smaller event with a limit of 100 runners. Priority will be given to club members. Pre-entry only, no entry on the day. Courses available will be Orange, L Green, Green and Blue. More info to follow.

Type Saturday event  
Date Saturday 10th April 2021
Times Pre-entry on Fabian4 only; Start times 1030 - 1200.  Courses close at 1330.
Location Bucklebury Common (Chapel Row)
Event Details

Parking and Assembly on the village green opposite the Bladebone Inn, Chapel Row 

No shared transport, travel in household bubbles

Entrance is via Grid Ref: SU57136965 nearest Postcode: RG7 6PD (what3words: mankind.breed.seducing)

Map 1:10,000
Terrain Runnable forest with areas of heathland

Course details:

Orange    3.7km, 45m climb, 17 controls

Lt. Green 4.2km, 60m climb, 18 controls

Green      4.9km, 95m climb, 19 controls

Blue       7.6km, 125m climb, 22 controls


A maximum of 100 Pre-entries on Fabian4 only.

BKO and BADO members will have priority.

If you entered before lockdown and have not cancelled your entry, it will be carried over when fabian4 entries reopen at end March. 

Juniors may not enter the Blue course, as there are several unmanned road crossings.

View BKO Orienteering Sites in a larger map

You should not enter or attend;

  • If you are unwell with a cough, fever or other respiratory symptoms
  • Have been in close contact with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19 and within quarantine period
  • If you have returned from non exempt overseas country until they have completed the 14 day quarantine period
  • Currently undergoing Covid-19 testing, until you receive a negative result and are symptom free
  • Been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace due to them being a contact of known Covid-19 case
  • If you have been advised to stay at home by Health Care professional
  • Those who are at higher risk to pay particular care in decision to attend
  • Over 70’s are to be aware that they are at higher risk.

A full refund will be given if you are unable to attend for the above reasons after entry has been made.

Charges   Members non-Members EMIT Hire
Senior £10   £10 £1.50
Junior  £5  £5 FREE
Officials Planner: Glyn Thomas (BKO), Organiser: Steve Waite (BKO)
Dogs On leads at assembly and please clear up after them.
Competitors Take Part at Their Own Risk
Entry details will be stored in a computer.
Submission of an entry for the event will indicate your acceptance of this procedure.