Results for Snelsmore Common, 16/01/2016
Some photographs taken during the event are now available at:
Routegadget for the event is now available at: Please plot and share your routes - particularly useful for the planner to see how competitors coped with the challenges that were set.
White (length 1.4km, 9 controls)
1 Liam Findley & Harry North DENESCH Y10 9:14 2 Josh Veroken & Callum White DENESCH Y10 10:05 3 Jacob Critcher & Adam Garratt DENESCH Y11 10:07 4 Maddie Ham & Ben Fowler DENESCH Y12Y11 10:09 5 Billy Hopkins & Joe Wakefield DENESCH Y11 11:08 Reinstated control 5 205 moved 6 Georgia Norris & Katie Dearling DENESCH Y10 12:34 7 Daniel Strudley & Ben Young DENESCH Y11 12:44 8 Maisie Balaam, Ami Findley & Sophie Bedward DENESCH Y10 13:37 9 Alexis Downer & Louis Goodchild DENESCH Y11 14:01 10 Ellise Lowe & Sasha Herridge DENESCH Y10 14:27 11 Owen Watkins & Max Wilcox DENESCH Y11 15:24 12 Callum Beasley, Harry West & Harrison Luffrum DENESCH Y10 21:54 13 Lottie Parke & Florence Parke STAND Y5 Y4 29:56 14 Aimee Zietsman +1 STAND Y4 30:46 15 Helen & Jack Strutt IND M8 30:51 ---------------------White standard----------------------
Yellow (length 2.0km, 10 controls)
1 Maddie Ham & Ben Fowler DENEFIE F12/M11 17:25 2 Callum White & Josh Verroken DENEFIE Y10 18:39 3 Daniel Strudley & Ben Young DENEFIE Y11 21:36 4 Billy Hopkins & Joe Wakefield DENEFIE Y11 22:36 5 Adam Garratt & Jacob Critcher DENEFIE Y11 22:42 6 George Comer & Michael Kelly ALTSCH 28:33 7 John Garcia & Eryc Neidbala ALTSCH 28:38 8 Alex Freeth & Henry Brothers ALTSCH Y11 30:31 9 Liam Debattista & Dean Mombo ALTSCH 31:42 10 Lewis Pether & Ryan Smith ALTSCH 32:23 11 Lydia McNaughten & Mica Gant ALTSCH 32:27 12 Alex Halson STAND Y4 33:02 13 Elli Smith & Abbie Sawle ALTSCH 34:14 14 Deborah Reynolds IND W60 36:11 ---------------------Yellow standard--------------------- 15 Sneeden Fernandez & Jureme Willis ALTSCH 36:19 16 Evie Tatam +1 IND W7 36:41 17 Luke Harris & Jorden Mortimer ALTSCH 37:12 18 Bruce Webb +1 IND M11 39:58 19 Harry West & Harry North DENEFIE Y10 40:12 20 Nicky, Ruth Parry & Catherine, Janet Weeks BKO W21 41:44 21 Fenella Greatrix STAND Y4 48:05 22 Owen Watkins & Max Wilcox DENEFIE Y11 48:29 23 Alaistair Wynne STAND Y4 49:26 24 Louis Goodchild & Alexis Downer DENEFIE Y11 49:34 25 Natalie Wing & Bia Teagle STAND Y3 50:52 mp Guy Hutchins STAND Y6 30:24 Missing no 10 mp James Thompson & Sherwi Fernandez ALTSCH Y11 38:00 Missing no 6 Sophie Bedward & Ellise Lowe DENEFIE Y11/Y10 rtd Missing nos 2-10
Orange (length 3.3km, 12 controls)
1 James Waite BKO M14 46:11 2 Silvia/Andrew Alcove/Murphy IND W30/M30 52:22 3 Emma Waite BKO W45 53:21 4 Pilar Gomez & Cristina Estruch IND M30 55:13 5 Finn Miller BKO M13 55:17 6 Vicky Holdbrook IND W30 62:02 7 Sue Miller BKO W50 67:20 8 Jess Miller BKO W16 67:43 9 Liam Evans BKO M13 68:13 ---------------------Orange standard--------------------- 10 Megan Evans BKO W14 70:02 11 Joshua Tatam IND M10 76:18 12= Amelia Wing STAND Y5 93:23 12= Florence Ward STAND Y6 93:23
Light Green (length 3.7km, 14 controls)
1 Michael Reynolds NWO M65 39:55 2 William Jefferies BKO M18 44:03 3 Glenn Wass BKO M65 45:18 4 Nigel Jeffleries BKO M50 46:57 5 Steve Waite BKO M50 50:28 6 Richard Rae BKO M70 51:15 7 Guy/David Palmer BKO M16 55:43 8 Jane Courtier BKO W60 56:34 9 Louise Etheringtonn +1 BKO W18 57:56 10 Denise Harper BKO W65 58:19 11 Duncan Liddle NWO M55 58:47 12 Jeff Holbrook IND M55 60:11 13 Carlos Wood IND M10 60:46 14 Tanya Holbrook IND W21 61:14 15 Sue Hunt BKO W55 63:21 16 Jacqui Briggs BKO W55 64:35 17 Fiona Clough BKO W50 64:43 18 Louise Docker IND W21 64:44 19 James Stevens BKO M30 69:34 ------------------Light Green standard------------------- 20 Bill/Bev Hall BADO M60/F50 72:03 21 Christian Wood +1 MCS M12 73:44 22 Tim Hughes TVOC M60 75:40 23 Dillon Cook +1 BKO M13 79:00 24 Eoin Sharkey BKO M50 81:13 25 Sue Wood IND W70 84:22 26 Mark Stafford IND M20 85:48 27 Imogen Woodcock Y6 STAND 85:58 28 Amy Slatford STAND Y6 86:44 29 Archie Macpherson STAND Y6 87:55 30 Leah/Ottillie Jukes BKO W21/W18 99:32 31 Carmen/Damien Murphy IND W35/M35 102:38 32 Katie +5 Collie/Cook BKO/IND W7 110:16 mp Toni Whittle BKO W45 58:01 Punch 13 incorrect control mp Jillian Ullersperger BKO W50 94:28 Missing nos 5,14 David Lee NGOC M80 dnf No finish time Tallulah Willoughby STAND Y8 rtd Missing nos 5-13 Imogen Reed STAND Y8 rtd Missing nos 5-13 Anne Saunders NWO W60 rtd Missing nos 6-14
Short Blue (length 5.8km, 20 controls)
1 Jan Travnicek TVOC M40 39:42 2 John Hartley SODENS M40 43:21 3 Alex Bett SN M20 47:20 4 Craig Blackford BADO M45 49:26 5 Elisabeth Hovmoller SODERS W40 51:37 6 John Orton NWO M60 51:52 7 Mark Saunders BKO M35 52:19 8 Katie Blackford BADO W20 53:52 9 John Briggs BKO M55 54:33 10 Dave Royse BKO M30 55:46 11 Gary Mills TVOC M60 57:12 12 Mikhail Gryaznevich TVOC M60 57:36 13 Jonathan Steed BADO M50 58:41 14 Brian Burt BKO M50 62:22 15 John Harrison BADO M65 63:37 16 Neil Frankum BKO M45 64:34 17 Marcus Bateman SN M50 71:09 -------------------Short Blue standard------------------- 18 David Watkins BADO M55 72:28 19 Terence Hosking BKO M50 73:55 20 Serena Ludford BADO W50 76:19 21 Andy Parry BKO M50 77:16 22 Rich Golding BKO M45 78:15 23 Mark Foxwell BKO M50 78:56 24 Anne Tynegate BADO W55 80:31 25 Cliff Thorne BKO M60 80:58 26 Ken Ricketts BKO M60 81:43 27 Andy Parker BADO M55 82:06 28 Jane Blackford BADO W45 85:08 29 Ruth Rhodes SO W70 96:16 30 Lucia Singer IND W45 105:11 31 Sue Parker BKO W55 106:14 32 David Faulkner BOK M50 120:11 33 Mel Golding BKS W45 134:00