Sunday 16th May Bloom Wood south of High Wycombe Level C and Yvette Baker Trophy Qualifying Event Final Details (as of 14th May) |
Berkshire Orienteers welcome you to the event! Finally having an open event is exciting but we are aware that precautions still need to be taken for everyone's safety. Please keep to the Participant Code of Conduct especially the social distancing necessary. Also please allow for the restricted nature of some aspects of the layout and organisation that are needed at these times.
Travel: |
Location Monkton Lane, off Marlow road just south of Handy Cross roundabout (Junction 4 on M40) Directions Note that the M4 is closed this weekend between Junction 6 (Slough) and Junction 8/9 (Maidenhead) Parking For BKO members only - please park to south of woods via Pump Lane accessed from Three Horseshoes at SU 857 891 If you have your own emit you can then access the start directly by going north up the track and following signs. If you need to hire then continue on up track to car parking field for emit collection. Everyone will need to go to car parking field for Download Everyone else · Parking in Monkton Barn car park, Monkton Lane, Marlow, SL7 3RF. SU 858899, what three words: mining.owner.emerge. Please only enter Monkton Lane from the north and exit to the North. Signposted from the junction of Wycombe Rd and Winchbottom Lane. Monkton Lane is single track, but two vehicles should be able to pass with care. Be prepared to meet oncoming traffic. · Car park entrance is narrow, two way AND shared with pedestrians. TAKE CARE! Parking is limited so overflow cars may need to return to park at entry to Monkton Lane near the junction with Winchbottom Lane. If you live locally please consider arriving on foot or by bicycle.
Facilities: |
The following facilities are available in the Assembly field:. First Aid - located close to download Toilets - Sanitisers will be on the outside, so please make use of them before and after touching anything. There will be no post race water or squash. Please bring your own drinks, and any refreshments needed.
Registration: |
All entries are Pre-entries via Fabian 4.
Start times are between 10:30 and 12:30. Start times are in blocks and will be marshalled to keep to social distancing but hopefully allowing a regular flow of competitors |
No Entry on the Day |
String Course |
Sorry, no string course |
Emit Card Issue and Return: |
Competitors hiring Emit cards should collect them from Enquiries before going to the start. They will be in named envelopes ready to pick up. Hired Emit cards will be collected back at download. A charge of £45 will be made for lost cards. NOTE Regarding use of EMIT: It is the competitor’s responsibility to check that their EMIT card has been registered. Following BOF guidelines back up cards will not be issued, please accept any problems due to this. |
Start |
· There are Two Starts, approx. 50m apart, both 500m from car park exit. Follow red and white tape from the entrance of the parking field, down track and into the woods to the starts Start 1 - Yellow, Orange, Light Green and Junior Green. Start 2 – Senior Green, Blue and Brown At the start please observe social distancing. No more than 2 competitors can start at the same time so that there may be some slight adjustment to allow for this. Each start will have separate queues for each course. Please join the appropriate queue as soon as you arrive at the Start. The Start is a punching start Loose control description sheets will NOT be available in the start lanes. They can be downloaded beforehand from the link at the top of this page.
Road Crossings |
One minor road crosses the area. Yellow and Orange courses do not cross the road. Light Green and Junior Green have a manned crossing where a marshall will advise on crossing. Green, Blue and Brown Courses do cross the road but competitors may cross anywhere and and at their own discretion. Please be aware traffic is infrequent but can be fast.
Course |
Length |
Climb |
No. controls |
Descriptions |
Yellow |
1.9km |
60m |
6 |
Text |
Orange |
3.0km |
105m |
10 |
Text |
Light Green |
4.3km |
120m |
13 |
Pictorial |
Junior Green |
4.6km |
115m |
14 |
Pictorial |
Senior Green |
4.8km |
155m |
13 |
Pictorial |
Blue |
6.7km |
205m |
14 |
Pictorial |
Brown |
8.3km |
330m |
22 |
Pictorial |
Course Close |
Courses closes at 2.30 |
Finish |
There is one finish for all courses, about 600 metres from car park (and not far from the start area) . – Follow red/white tapes back to track and the car park field. Keep to social distancing while waiting to Download at the Download tent. ALL competitors must report to the DOWNLOAD tent even if they retire.
Yvette Baker Trophy qualifying results
Yvette Baker Trophy qualifying results will be published on the club web-site after the event. |
Map |
The map is at 1:10,000 scale, with 5m contours, on A4 waterproof paper and conforms to ISOM2017-2. Double-sided for Brown |
Terrain |
The typical Chiltern terrain consists of several large spurs separated by valleys. The wood has a good path network and quite reasonable runnability. Note that, as a result of COVID and additional walkers in the area, a number of paths have become wider, and some unmapped additional paths have appeared to avoid muddy areas. The vegetation has seen some recent growth, but should not impede progress. The courses have been designed to keep you out of the rougher bits of the forest. |
Bio Security |
Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. After your run please follow the guidance that helps protect our precious environment: · Check · Clean · Dry Before leaving the event check your clothing and equipment and remove any mud, soil or leaf litter. Once home thoroughly clean your footwear and clothing and then leave it to dry for as long as possible. Many invasive non-native species are able to survive in damp corners for very long periods of time, but are less able to survive if the equipment is thoroughly dried. |
Photography |
The club has designated photographer(s) and details are available from registration. Photographs from the event may be used by the club and made available on the internet in accordance with British Orienteering guidelines. Please speak to a club official at registration if you have any concerns |
General Safety: |
-In entering this event you have signed up to a Participant Code of Conduct Everyone taking part must follow the Participant Code of Conduct at all times. The Code of Conduct can be found on the British Orienteering website. The key considerations include: • Acting as an ambassador for the sport of orienteering at all times and considering how their actions may appear in the eyes of landowners or members of the public. • Observing social distancing at all times, including keeping their distance from other participants, volunteers and members of the public. • Using hand sanitizer on arrival and departure. Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, who is living in a household with someone who has a possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection, or who has been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace should remain at home. People who are classified as clinically extremely vulnerable can now consider taking safe exercise outdoors and meeting up with one person outside their household; however, it is unlikely that they would be able to safely take part in an organised orienteering event or activity. - Public Access. Bloom Woods are used by the public for walking, running, dog walking, cycling and horse riding on public paths. Please be courteous towards other users, especially those with dogs and horse riders – our future use of these areas depends on this. And please try to keep your distance from others. The woods have numerous “Private Woodland – No public Access” or similar signs. Competitors can ignore these. - Clothing and Safety Equipment. Competitors' torso and legs must be covered. For safety reasons we strongly recommend you carry a whistle. The distress signal is six short blasts, wait one minute, and then repeat. - Emergency Number. All maps will be overprinted with a phone number which can be used on the day to contact the Organiser in the event of an emergency. - Please report to download even if retiring as this will ensure we can check you have returned safely. Competitors travelling alone are encouraged to leave a set of keys at registration.
- Competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. |
Accidents: |
- First Aid by Face 2 Face Medical Ltd in Assembly field
·There is a Minor Injuries Unit at Wycombe Hospital High Wycombe HP11 2HB. The nearest A&E are at Wexham Park Hospital, Wexham, Slough, Berkshire, SL2 4HL Tel 01753 633000 or Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Mandeville Rd, Aylesbury HP21 8AL |
Officials |
Planner: Andrew Southwood BKO Organiser: Jane Courtier BKO Email: Controller:Jim Prowting TVOC |