Concorde Chase (SCOL9) STAR POSTS, NEAR BRACKNELL ON SATURDAY 25th JANUARY 2020 Final Details |
Berkshire Orienteers welcome you to the event!
Travel: |
This event is being held at Star Posts and entry to the area will be from the North - by the Lookout. For this event we are not permitted to park on the area or in the Lookout Car Park so will be parking in Bracknell Hockey Club Car Park, any overflow will be in the car park at Sainsburys. (Grid Ref: SU875664 nearest Postcode: RG12 7AQ - Assembly and Car Park). Please note the Hockey Club Car Park is only accessible from Ringmead and not the B3430. |
Facilities: |
Facilities: First aid (Hart First Response); Toilets ; Clothing dump near the Start/Finish. Nearest hospital: Frimley Park Hospital, Portsmouth Road, Camberley GU16 7UJ Nearest cafes; there is a cafe in Sainsburys and also one in the Lookout. |
Registration: |
Registration open 10:00 – 12:00. Starts 10:30 – 12:30. All courses close at 14:30. Please make sure that you download, even if you do not complete your course. |
Entries |
Entry fees: BOF Seniors £13; non-BOF Seniors £15; Juniors/full-time students £5. EOD: BOF Seniors £15; non-BOF Seniors £17; Juniors/full-time students £7. EMIT hire: BOF and non-BOF Seniors £1.50; Juniors/full-time students free. |
Emit Card Issue and Return: |
Competitors hiring Emit cards should collect them from Enquiries before going to the start. Hired Emit cards will be collected at download. A charge of £45 will be made for lost cards. NOTE Regarding use of EMIT: It is the competitor’s responsibility to check that their EMIT card has been registered, including on the back-up card, at each control and the Finish. Reinstatement for missing electronic punches will only be made on visible evidence of the correct pin punch on the back-up card. Hire cards will include back-up card on collection. Spare back-up cards will be available at Registration. |
Start |
1.2Km walk from the Assembly area by a compulsory route and road crossing. Juniors should be accompanied to and from the Start/Finish area. Punching start; no pre-arranged start times. There will be a clothing dump close to the finish which is passed on the way to the start. |
Road Crossings |
There are no road crossings on the courses ***Update 21st Jan*** there have been some last minute changes to the shorter course lengths/climb due to the expected presence of a film crew and vehicles preparing for filming on Sunday. There will be some marshalls in that area monitoring junior courses. |
Course |
Length |
Climb |
No. of controls |
Descriptions |
White |
1.9km |
20m |
9 |
Text |
Yellow |
2.7km |
30m |
8 |
Text |
Orange |
3.0km |
40m |
10 |
Text and |
Light Green |
3.5km |
70m |
10 |
Pictorial |
Short Green |
3.8km |
95m |
11 |
Pictorial |
Green |
4.9km |
100m |
13 |
Pictorial |
Blue |
6.6km |
135m |
16 |
Pictorial |
Brown |
9.6km |
215m |
20 |
Pictorial |
Course Close |
Courses close at 14:30 |
Finish |
There is one finish for all courses. Follow the “Start” route back via the manned crossing to the assembly area and the Download tent. ALL competitors must report to the DOWNLOAD tent, even if they retire. Results available as soon as possible after the event: |
Map |
Scale 1:10,000, 5m contours, updated 2020. Courses and control descriptions will be overprinted on waterproof paper. Loose control descriptions will be provided.
Terrain |
The area is heavily used by mountain bikers. Designated mountain bike tracks are out of bounds to competitors and are shown by red crosses along their length. Please do not run along these tracks as doing so may cause conflict with other users and jeopardise our future use of the area. Courses have been planned to avoid these parts of the area or to ensure that there should be no reason to use them. Please be aware of any bikes when crossing these features. There are also some unsanctioned mountain bike trails, including jumps, in other parts of the forest. If you encounter any of these, please take care around them.
The forest is also used by other members of public including dog walkers and horse riders. Please be courteous towards all other forest users.
Recent forestry work to thin the trees has left some areas with brashings on the ground. Courses have been planned to try and avoid the worst affected areas, but the extent of works meant it has not been possible to avoid completely. Competitors should also be aware that there are also some unmapped extraction lanes in these areas.
Bio Security |
Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. After your run please follow the guidance that helps protect our precious environment: · Check · Clean · Dry Before leaving the event check your clothing and equipment and remove any mud, soil or leaf litter. Once home thoroughly clean your footwear and clothing and then leave it to dry for as long as possible. Many invasive non-native species are able to survive in damp corners for very long periods of time, but are less able to survive if the equipment is thoroughly dried. |
Photography |
The club has designated photographer(s) and details are available from registration. Photographs from the event may be used by the club and made available on the internet in accordance with British Orienteering guidelines. Please speak to a club official at registration if you have any concerns. |
General Safety: |
Compulsory route to/from the Start/Finish, which includes a pedestrian road crossing. Whistles compulsory, as well as clothing suitable for the weather conditions on the day. Full leg covering required on all courses. If you have a relevant medical condition, please inform Registration. Car keys may be left at Registration (especially advised for lone drivers).
Ticks may be present in the area. Please check yourself after the event. Infomation about ticks and the symptoms of Lyme Disease can be found here:- Orienteering is an adventure sport; competitors take part at their own risk. |
Officials |
Planner: James Wilkinson (BKO) Organisers: Simon Moore/Fiona Clough (BKO) Email: Controller: Stefan Stasiuk (BKO) |