Concorde Chase (Hawley and Hornley) 29-Jan-17

Concorde Chase (Hawley and Hornley) 29-Jan-17 - Final Details

Sunday 29th January

Concorde Chase - Level B Event

Hawley and Hornley


Final Details 

Berkshire Orienteers welcome you to the 2017 Concorde Chase

Key Points:

  • Postcode GU17 9UD, GR SU830574 then a further 2km drive to event parking area/assembly 
  • All courses cross the access road twice (except White, Yellow and Orange), Competitors to take care crossing access road and vehicle drivers to drive slowly, heed the warning signs and give way to runners 
  • £1 per vehicle parking fee
  • Registration/Entry on Day open 1000 to 1200
  • Start times - 1030 to 1230 - (300m walk to the start from Assembly)
  • Course closes 1430
  • Waterproof maps A3 or A4, scale 1:10,000
  • EMIT electronic timing
  • Ultrasport/Burger Van/Toilets/First Aid at Assembly


The nearest postcode to the event is GU17 9UD GR SU830574, access to the area will be through Hawley Sailing club car park and into the forest.

1.  From the North: At the A30 junction with the A327 turn South onto the A327 (Minley Road). At the next roundabout take the 1st exit (still Minley Road).  After just under 2km there will be a sign for Hawley Sailing Club on the left - turn left here and follow the road to Hawley Sailing Club car park (1km).

2.  From the M3:

From the London bound M3 - at Junction 4A take the sliproad left to the A327 towards Farnborough (W)/Fleet.  At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit on to the A327 Minley Road. 

From the Basingstoke bound lane - at Junction 4A take the sliproad to Farnborough (W)/Fleet and then the filter lane left at the next roundabout onto the A327. At the next roundabout take the 1st exit into the A327 Minley Road.  

Both - After 1km the entrance to Hawley Sailing Club will be on your right. Turn right and follow the road to Hawley Sailing Club car park (1km).

All traffic

There are speed bumps on the road to the sailing club, please drive slowly as there may be competitors crossing the road near to the junction.

At the end of the car park is a gateway onto the access road.

There is parking charge of £1 per vehicle that will be collected at this gateway.

Parking for this event is a further 1km into the forest - please drive slowly as there may be runners crossing this road.  Once you reach the Assemby area park as directed by the Parking Team.

Important Safety Information:

This is a military training area. DO NOT pick up anything you did not drop. A number of control sites are pits which have iron stakes around the edges. You may encounter  odd strands of  barbed wire. Take care.

- The access road to and from the carpark is crossed twice by all courses other than White, Yellow and Orange. There are no fixed crossing points, but there will be marshals along the access road. Drivers should drive slowly, heed the warning signs and  give way to runners.

Some courses cross the routes to the Start and from the Finish. Please give way to runners heading for their final controls.

- Please take care when crossing and walking along Forest roads.

- There is public access to Hawley and Hornley commons, please respect the rights of others, particularly the horse riders, dog walkers and mountain bikers.

Please report to download even if retiring as this will ensure we can check you have returned safely. Competitors travelling alone are encouraged to leave a set of keys at registration.

- Competitors are advised to carry whistles.

- Competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.

- The organisers reserve the right to insist that cagoules are carried in the event of bad weather.


The following facilities are available at Assembly:

First Aid by HART FIRST RESPONSE, (Registered Charity 1092333). 'We aim to help save lives by providing ambulance and first aid cover at local events, and by teaching first aid skills within the community'.


Continental Catering with the lovely Tom and the even lovelier Julie


Please bring your own drinks/water - water/squash will not be provided at the finish.


It is a condition of the licence granted to hold this event that any dogs brought onto the area must be on a lead at all times.

Please ensure you clear up after dog.


Entry on the day and Hired EMIT collection between 10:00 and 12:00

Competitors who have pre-entered and have their own Emit e-card can go directly to the Start.

Start times are between 10:30 and 12:30.

Individual start times will be published on Fabian 4 and displayed at the Start and Registration.

Please note that the Green, Short Blue and Blue courses are very full with pre-entered competitors.  If you are on one of these courses please try your best to stick to your start time or there may be a long wait before the start team can fit you in.

Courses may be entered on the day subject to map availability (note the above comment regarding Green/Short Blue/Blue courses. EOD entry is £16.50 for adult BOF members,  £18.50 for Non BOF members and £6.00 for juniors.

For pairs and Groups one entry fee is charged  - Additional maps  £1

All Entries on the day (and course changes on the day) will be given a slip with your entry details – please hand this in at the start.

Courses close at 14:30

EMIT Card Issue and Return:

Competitors hiring EMIT cards should collect them from Enquiries before going to the start.  Hired EMIT cards should be handed back at Download.  A charge of £45 will be made for lost cards.

Spare back-up cards will be available from Enquiries for those with their own EMIT cards.


Medical Conditions:

Any competitors with a medical condition that might require medical assistance during the event are invited to complete the medical form from the BOF website ( - select 'medical form' from the documents list), complete it and leave it in a sealed envelope with Enquiries.  It will be shredded after the event.  

Blank copies of this form and envelopes will be available at Enquiries if necessary.


The Start is 300m walk from Assembly area and will be a punching start although start times will be given on Fabian4.

Call up will be at minus 4 minutes.

Late starters may have to wait for a time-slot to become available on busy courses.

Loose description sheets will be available in the start lanes.

Road Crossings

Most of the senior courses will cross the access road to parking/assembly. 

Please follow the advice from the Marshalls. 

TAKE CARE in crossing ANY road

White , Yellow and Orange courses do not cross the access road but do cross other roads within the area.  There will be no event traffic on these roads but there may be other vehicles but they will be travelling slowly.

Please take particular care if driving out of the area via the access road before the course closes


Age Categories



No. controls


Paper Size


M10B W10B







M10 W10 M12B W12B







M12 W12 M14B W14B






Light Green

M14 W14 M16B W16B






Very Short Green

W75 W80 W85 W90 M70S M75S M80S M85S W55S W60S W65S W70S






Short Green

M75 M80 M85 M90 W65 W70 M65S W18S W20S  W45S W50S







M70 W16 W55 W60 M55S M60S W35S W40S






Short Blue

M65 W18 W20 W45 W50 M20S M50S M45S W21S







M16 M55 M60 W35 W40 M35S M40S






Short Brown

M18 M20 M45 M50 W21 M21S







M35 M40













Course Close:

Courses closes at 14:30


There is one finish for all courses and is approximately 500m from Assembly. 

Follow the marked route back from the Finish to the Car park and the Download tent.

ALL competitors must report to the DOWNLOAD tent even if they retire.


Scale 1:10,000, 5m contours, updated December 2016 by Roger Maher.  Courses and control descriptions will be overprinted on waterproof paper.

The A4 maps for the White, Yellow and Orange courses have a partial legend.  The A4 maps for courses Light Green to Blue do not contain a legend.  The legend on the A3 Black course map is partially obscured by the control descriptions.

A full legend can be viewed at Assembly.

Planners Comments:


Hawley and Hornley (H&H) consists of areas of forest and open heathland extending from an East-West ridge North to the A30, and South to Hawley Lake and beyond.

The forest area is generally runnable, although, in places, there are clumps of rhododendrons and bracken which has not died back in early January.  The light undergrowth symbol has been used to indicate the main areas of bracken and undergrowth such as brambles.  A few blocks mapped as "forest", contain both mature trees and coppice.  The forest area is crossed by networks of paths and tracks, but recently formed mountain bike trails are not mapped.  There is a well-contoured re-entrant in the North-East of the forest, and an open out-of-bounds area close to the start.

In parts of the heathland areas, there might appear to be more gorse than the map suggests.  However there are passable routes through the gorse.  The gorse is indicated by green "forest fight" or undergrowth screens.

In the South West, there is a large open area of heathland containing gorse, heather, tussocky grass and some marshes.  This zone is surrounded by a 5 foot high barbed wire fence to enclose a few grazing cattle.  Access to this zone is via cattle grids and stiles.  Two stiles close to optimum routes are highlighted on the map and will be taped.

The second heathland area is in the North, dipping gently towards the A30.  It too, contains heather, gorse and marshes, as well as a few blocks of forest.  The representation of gorse on the map was acceptably accurate in early January.  However Hants and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIOWWT) who manage the environmental aspects of the area for the MOD, are clearing scrub and burning gorse.  Some of this work involves mowing tracts of grass and clearing heather down to soil level to improve the environment for reptiles.  Only a few of these "scrapes" have been mapped, usually in the vicinity of control sites.  They are mapped with the yellow "open ground" screen.

Any major changes to the heathland which occur after the maps have been printed will be displayed in the start lanes.  There may be some clearing work taking place on the day of the event but this should not be near controls.

There is an Army Permanent Orienteering Course (POC) at Hawley and Hornley.  Some control sites are shared with the POC.  Please ignore the codes on the POC stakes.

Vandalised or Missing Controls

Previous events at H&H have suffered from vandalised controls.  Control site tags (red electrical tape) have the control code e.g. "213", and a 2nd three letter code e.g. "DOG". If you think you are in the correct place and there is a tag but no control, please note the 2nd code to confirm you have been there.

 Special Symbols

The symbol 'X'represents a hide on both the map and the control descriptions.

The symbol   has been used to represent a horse jump.

Bio Security:

Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. After your run please follow the guidance that helps protect our precious environment:

·         Check

·         Clean

·         Dry


Before leaving the event check your clothing and equipment and remove any mud, soil or leaf litter.

Once home thoroughly clean your footwear and clothing and then leave it to dry for as long as possible. Many invasive non-native species are able to survive in damp corners for very long periods of time, but are less able to survive if the equipment is thoroughly dried.


The club has designated photographer(s) and details are available from registration. Photographs from the event may be used by the club and made available on the internet in accordance with British Orienteering guidelines. Please speak to a club official at registration if you have any concerns.


First Aid by Hart First Response in Assembly field 

Accident and Emergency unit :

Frimley Park Hospital (2.2 miles away - open 24 hours)

Portsmouth Road


GU16 7UJ

tel. 01276 604604

Important Information:


Safety and Risk:  A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out by the organiser and is available on request but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.

Insurance:  Please note that if you have competed in three orienteering events registered with British Orienteering and not joined an orienteering club which is a member of British Orienteering then you are NOT covered by British Orienteering public liaibility insurance.

Cancellation: Whilst cancellation is a last resort, if very bad weather is forecast or some unforseen event makes it necessary to cancel this event, a notice will be placed in the BKO website.  If the event has been cancelled then BKO reserve the right to retain part of the entry fee to cover unavoidable costs.  Please check our website for any last minute information before you travel to the event.


Planner: Richard Rae

Organisers: Fiona Clough (07719-590542) and Eoin Sharkey (07957 801673)


Controller: Andy Robinson (SLOW)


Many thanks to DIO and Landmarc for allowing us to use this area for our event and to Hart First Response for providing medical cover. 


  • Competitors take part at their own risk
  • The personal data you give will be used by the event organisers only for the purpose of processing/publishing entries and results and as required by our insurers. Entry details will be stored in a computer. Submissions of an entry for the event will indicate your acceptance of this procedure.
  • In the event of cancellation of the event, part, or all of your entry fee may be retained.
  • The club has designated photographer(s) and details are available from registration. Photographs from the event may be used by the club and made available on the internet. Please speak to a club official at registration if you have any concerns.